Event Owners:
2 Abingdon House
Cumberland Business Centre,
Northumberland Road,
Portsmouth, Hants,
PO5 1DS. Tel. 023 9282 3186
Community Ventures & Shared Agenda
Stand: H19
Category: Building Services Consultancy, Estates Development, Sustainability & Utility Management
Telephone: 01482 701251
Email: info@sharedagenda.co.uk
Website: https://sewell-group.co.uk/consultancy/
Company Profile
Industry leaders in estates advice, development management and the operational management of our customers buildings, ensuring the full value of your estate is realised.
Our two consultancy businesses operate across the north of England and Midlands and have the tools to provide you with robust, evidence-based intelligence to inform your estates and service planning.
With bags of energy and an innovative approach, we make it our business to deliver long-term value for your organisations and your stakeholders.
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