Urban Green

Stand: H19
Category: Landscape Architecture, Masterplanning

Telephone: 0161 312 3131
Email: hello@weareurbangreen.co.uk
Website: http://www.weareurbangreen.co.uk

Company Profile

Urban Green are a highly experienced design and environmental practice specialising in landscape architecture, urban design, landscape planning, biodiversity net gain, arboriculture, ecology and GIS. Our team adopt an innovative, holistic, and responsive approach to all our projects, with schemes delivered across the country. Working closely with clients, care staff, stakeholders, and the wider project team to deliver optimal, coordinated, and fully considered solutions that realise the full potential of the site and maximise usability for all users. Our healthcare experience ranges from redevelopment of existing portfolio assets, to feasibility/concept designs, planning and detail delivery of new build care facilities.


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