RAAC Surveying, Management and Compliance

Time: 3:00 pm - 3:25 pm

Date: 08 Oct 2024

Delivered as a collaboration between Airedale General Hospital, Curtins and Hive Projects, during this session participants will learn about RAAC; its behaviours, risks and mitigation using Airedale Hospital as a key case study.

RAAC was typically used in hospitals from the late 1950s to 1990s. Unlike standard and dense concrete, the aeration in RAAC makes it relatively weak with an estimated design life of around 30 years. Analysis has since reported that it is prone to excessive deflections, and instant failure. In 2019 SCOSS issued an alert for buildings containing RAAC, after the collapse of roof planks in a school.

In recent years Curtins have acted as one of the UK’s leading engineers appointed to inspect and recommend appropriate mitigation. They have advised a number Trusts across the country, including those on the NHP programme, to provide practical solutions to allow the continued safe running of the estate. Their experience has enabled them to contribute to the IStructE’s guidance on RAAC roof planks, and they have been working with BRE and Loughborough University to analyse planks removed from Aintree Hospital and Airedale Hospital.

Participants will learn about the process of identification and assessment, structural design considerations, practicality of solutions and examples of remediation. As not all RAAC used in construction is obvious or recorded, engineers will continue to be essential to identifying and providing advice over the coming decade.

Potential solutions will be shared, based on real-life projects delivered by Curtins’ engineers identified on the IStructE’s RAAC Approved List, and representatives from those involved in the Securing the Future Programme of Work at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust.

The presentation will also consider the legal requirements of building owners / occupiers and how climate change and increased extreme weather can contribute to the failure of RAAC.


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