What Are the Potential NHS Estate Challenges for the New Government Over the Next 5 Years?

Time: 2:00 pm - 2:25 pm

Date: 09 Oct 2024

The presentation will take the format of a note from the outgoing to the incoming government (whichever party and adapted to suit wherever we are in the election cycle), highlighting the major estates and facilities issues the NHS need to be consider during the next parliament.
The presentation will be structured around the following themes:
– What does the NHS of the future look like? Dealing with increasing clinical demand, an ageing workforce, substantial waiting lists and a disconnect between health and social care alongside how to make best use of emerging technological solutions.
– Providing estate which meets clinical requirements despite financial constraints. Considering the worsening national backlog maintenance position, the difficulty of quickly replacing aged estate and system-wide capital prioritisation
– Doing more with less (from a revenue perspective) – Ensuring the retained estate is working hard to provide tangible healthcare outcomes and suit modern ways of working.
– Focus on primary care and preventative healthcare – Ensuring that hospital care is not the default
– PFI and LIFT expiry – Considering the issues in relation to lease renewal, NHS purchase of assets and PFI handback and making sure this doesn’t detract from the day job of delivering healthcare
– Ageing NHS estates workforce – Succession planning and ensuring that we have a long-term sustainable workforce
– Partnership working as part of collaborative systems with wider public sector partners and the role that the private sector could play
– sustainability – what might need to be done to achieve the NHS net zero aspirations
– Data – Ensuring that estates related information is consistent and high quality to facilitate evidence based decision making
The content will bring together opinions from across the healthcare estate market, clinicians, commissioners and patients to present a holistic view of the estates environment.


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