Event Owners:
2 Abingdon House
Cumberland Business Centre,
Northumberland Road,
Portsmouth, Hants,
PO5 1DS. Tel. 023 9282 3186
Becky Jones
Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Cheshire and Merseyside Health Care Partnership
Becky Jones is gbp’s Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. As part of her role overseeing the delivery of a range of projects, she is also currently the Sustainability Lead for the Cheshire and Merseyside HCP, leading the production of the Green Plan, delivering on the Greener NHS Programme, establishing the anchor institution criteria, and embedding the social value requirements.
Becky has over 7 years working in and around the NHS delivering on infrastructure, culture change and sustainability. Becky previously gained ten years’ experience working in Local Government working across corporate policy, equality, diversity and inclusion and community engagement.
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