Event Owners:
2 Abingdon House
Cumberland Business Centre,
Northumberland Road,
Portsmouth, Hants,
PO5 1DS. Tel. 023 9282 3186
Eugene Prinsloo

Developments Director
Community Health Partnerships
Eugene Prinsloo is the Developments Director at Community Health Partnerships (CHP). He brings a mix of private and public sector experience. Starting his career in EY’s Real Estate Group, moving to the private sector partner in early primary care PPPs, to his current position within CHP (a company owned by the Department of Health and Social Care). His current role is to lead the development function, acting for the public sector head tenant. Currently his team work to adapt PPP buildings to support new models of care and drive value for money from the existing estate.
Eugene’s team use projects to support the delivery of CHP’s strategic objectives, which include a sustainable NHS. Current projects include a key worker accommodation scheme to support recruitment and retention of staff, reconfiguring space for 10 Community Diagnostic Centres, as well as delivering the first Passivhaus-certified health centre in the UK at Foleshill.
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