AfH MIND Stream – Human Conscious Design: Creating Spaces Where Everyone Can Thrive
We are all unique, our differences - shaped by age, gender, ethnicity, and ability - make up our multi-faceted and interconnected world. Over the last two years Tarkett have been carrying out research to understand how our different human make-up affects us as we go through life in education, at work and in elder care. This research has helped create 'Human Conscious Design Principles'.
For communities, organisations, and businesses to truly thrive everyone in society needs to be able to flourish. Design has a pivotal role to play here; to create spaces that foster inclusivity is imperative and this presentation looks at several neurotypes, in particular ADHD, autism and dementia, their signs and symptoms and the effect a well-designed, inclusive environment can have on the individual.
Inclusive design celebrates the vast diversity of human experiences by putting people at the heart of the process from the start. But it’s not about designing to the common denominator, nor at the expense of creativity. The presentation looks at specific challenges and individual needs focussing on sensory processing, executive functioning, and emotional regulation. It then looks at how we can design for life highlighting key considerations for designing environments specifically with hypersensitivities and hyposensitivities in mind, as well as dementia.
Our presentation is a RIBA accredited CPD and with a virtual reality empathy platform to showcase a truly inclusive environment, the attendees will leave with a greater understanding of the mind, how to mend the built environment and what really matters when it comes to designing for neuro-inclusion.
Shaz Hawkins Segment Marketing Manager - Tarkett