Design & Construction Theatre Seminars

10:30 am - 10:55 am

AfH MIND Stream – Human Conscious Design: Creating Spaces Where Everyone Can Thrive

We are all unique, our differences - shaped by age, gender, ethnicity, and ability - make up our multi-faceted and interconnected world. Over the last two years Tarkett have been carrying out research to understand how our different human make-up affects us as we go through life in education, at work and in elder care. This research has helped create 'Human Conscious Design Principles'.

For communities, organisations, and businesses to truly thrive everyone in society needs to be able to flourish. Design has a pivotal role to play here; to create spaces that foster inclusivity is imperative and this presentation looks at several neurotypes, in particular ADHD, autism and dementia, their signs and symptoms and the effect a well-designed, inclusive environment can have on the individual.

Inclusive design celebrates the vast diversity of human experiences by putting people at the heart of the process from the start. But it’s not about designing to the common denominator, nor at the expense of creativity. The presentation looks at specific challenges and individual needs focussing on sensory processing, executive functioning, and emotional regulation. It then looks at how we can design for life highlighting key considerations for designing environments specifically with hypersensitivities and hyposensitivities in mind, as well as dementia.

Our presentation is a RIBA accredited CPD and with a virtual reality empathy platform to showcase a truly inclusive environment, the attendees will leave with a greater understanding of the mind, how to mend the built environment and what really matters when it comes to designing for neuro-inclusion.


11:00 am - 11:25 am

AfH MIND Stream – Designing for Wellbeing: A Simple Guide

An overview of the recently published Stride Treglown guide to designing for health and wellbeing, developed in conjunction with Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust. In this presentation, we will explore how this guide takes a preventative approach to health and wellbeing and how it can be applied to the development of hospital masterplans.


  • Simon Boundy Associate Director Architect, Head of Healthcare - Stride Treglown
11:30 am - 11:55 am

AfH MIND Stream – National Rehabilitation Centre: A Healing Environment

The National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) will provide clinical, physical, and mental rehabilitation facilities for those who have suffered brain or physical trauma. The project will contribute to patient wellbeing and facilitate their recovery in a world class facility. The NRC will be a national resource for learning and healthcare which is underpinned by the partnership between the Nottinghamshire University Hospital Trust, University of Nottingham, Loughborough University and the Ministry of Defence.


  • Paul Bell Partner - Ryder Architecture
  • Ryan McCormack Major Programmes - Head of Programme, Construction and Commercial - Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
3:00 pm - 3:25 pm

AfH MEND Stream – Team Science: Improving the Translation of Research into Clinical Practice

We propose to lead a presentation on the completed Paterson Building, a research laboratory development at The Christie Hospital in Manchester.
The realised project, handed over mid 2023, was commissioned by CRUK, The Christie NHS FT, and University of Manchester. IHP, the joint venture between VINCI Building and Sir Robert McAlpine and its supply chain partners, BDP, Arup and Imtech have realised a fantastic, state-of-the-art facility that is a world-class transformational cancer research facility.
The primary project objective was to create a collaborative ‘Team Science’ environment, which brings together scientific researchers and cancer care clinicians under one roof, co-located on the same campus. This alignment connects all stakeholders in the cancer care delivery system. The building is home to the largest concentration of scientists, clinicians and clinicians in Europe. 300 scientists and 400 clinicians and operational staff are now delivering clinical trials covering the full extent of the patient pathway, from prevention and novel treatments to living with and beyond cancer.
At 25,000m2 and ten storeys high, the building is more than twice the size of the previous facility, allowing experts to deliver discovery research and translate their findings into innovative clinical trials, at scale.
The building is occupied by all three of the partners. It’ll be home to the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, as well as several other teams from The University of Manchester’s Division of Cancer Sciences. It will also be Manchester’s scientific headquarters for discovery science within the international Alliance for Early Cancer Detection.
A central component of the building will be the new Cancer Research UK Cancer Biomarker Centre. The centre’s focus will be on biomarkers to aid in early cancer detection and diagnosis, and enable personalised management of a patient’s cancer, to determine which therapy will bring the most benefit.
The development provides a model for other providers to emulate and forms part of a wider, long-term strategy to constantly drive ‘bench to bedside’ cancer translation research to clinical trials.


3:30 pm - 3:55 pm

AfH MEND Stream – Proactive Community Healthcare: A Vision for Care Closer to Home

A recent report by The King's Fund titled, ‘Moving care closer to home’, calls for an increased focus on delivering care in local settings such as community trust hospitals and community diagnostic centres. It argues that this long-held vision is still far from being achieved, and that the system remains centred around hospitals and emergency care.

Supporting this view, our presentation will highlight the impact that integrated community healthcare facilities can have in relieving the strain on overstretched acute health services, particularly when they are designed to promote a proactive, preventative approach to health and wellbeing.

We will describe the success that the pioneering Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre in Hull has had in shifting the focus from ‘illnesses’ to ‘individuals’, with an anticipatory care model that improves the quality of life of people living with frailty, helping them to stay at home and out of hospital. A clinical study has shown that this has significantly reduced demand for acute health services and brought about savings to the wider healthcare system. The building has been specially designed to integrate the range of specialist services provided, and to provide a welcoming, comfortable, and dementia-friendly environment for the elderly patient group.

We will then describe similar plans which are being developed through the Cavell Centre programme to set a bold new vision for the delivery of community health services. Like The Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre, the strategic vision for the Cavell Centres recognises that social factors in health are as significant as clinical factors, and therefore combines both models to proactively address the barriers to improved community health and wellbeing.

This formed a central feature of the pilot scheme design we are developing with collaborators Architype. Setting a new standard for community health facilities, the building hosts a varied health and wellbeing offering, including multiple GP practices, community diagnostics, therapy services, outpatient services, third sector social prescribing organisations, and a health-centred commercial offer. Strong internal connections to quality external landscaping with lawns, planting, and water features; and inviting, non-institutional internal spaces; enable a variety of wellbeing activities. This, combined with access to local authority support, links patients with opportunities for social prescribing, integrating health and wellness into the community.

The Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre has shown that long-term investment in the right kind of community-focused facilities can reduce demand for acute services and bring about savings to the wider healthcare system, as well as improving the wellbeing of individuals. We believe that the Cavell Centre programme is well placed to offer a scalable and repeatable solution to ensure the health and care system is sustainable for the future.


4:00 pm - 4:25 pm

AfH MEND Stream – How Technology can Transform Hospitals For Staff Wellbeing

The pressure on the built environment due to escalating costs means that every m2 must be accounted for. The priority of the clinical requirements for the patients, bedrooms, outpatients rooms and the clinical support required means that the environment for the staff is often squeezed and omitted. Often leading to ill fitting, substandard staff spaces.

Rethinking our healthcare settings and utilising technology creatively, we have the potential to transform our spaces.

By challenging the space usage and requirements, we can change how we deliver services and provide staff with spaces fit for their changing needs.

The paper demonstrates the possibilities of reimagining healthcare spaces and how integrating technology can improve overall wellbeing for staff as well as patients.

Reduction of clinical spaces
Can more inpatient care and consulting be done remotely?

When patients are remotely cared for in the comfort of their own environments, they can be supported by friends and family, it is convenient and flexible without lengthy stays in hospital and unnecessary travelling to appointments. The patient can relax and recover in the privacy of their own home. With the remote support this ensures the patient feels prioritised.

With less space designated for clinical requirements, more space is made available for staff. For their multi discipline collaboration, areas to decompress, socialise and prioritise their wellbeing. A happier, healthier, more collaborative and more valued workforce will lead to higher productivity, efficiency and better patient outcomes.

Remote appointments can also minimise exposure to contagious diseases for both patients who are often already vulnerable and staff, minimising their chances of sickness and again increasing their productivity.

We can use our knowledge and experience from other sectors, the lessons learnt and best practice to rethink and better design these staff spaces. #AHR experience

Integration of technology to provide better diagnostic outcomes
In remote appointments, patients can access specialists who may not be available in their local area, ensuring they receive the best possible care. Easier and quicker access to specialists can also lead to faster diagnoses and treatments.

The use of AI within diagnostics can also remove human error, support and improve training and education by providing real life AI scenarios, improving clinical competency and confidence, ensuring better patient outcomes. Digital record-keeping and communication can streamline many administrative processes, reducing the pressure on staff and freeing up their time for staff to focus on patient care.

Reimagining our healthcare spaces and utilising technology creatively, can provide better outcomes for patients and reduce the time and cost pressures on the NHS estate.

Challenging our traditional healthcare environments and long term investment in technology can have significant benefit to patients and staff.


10:30 am - 10:55 am

AfH MATTER Stream – Highgate East and Lowther Road – Blurring the Boundaries: A Joined up Approach to Mental Health Services Provision and Community Wellness

A discussion on the successful delivery of best practice for inpatient and outpatient mental health services in the community. Looking at how collaboration between the service and the community can bring benefits to all parties and break down stigma. The talk will look at the clinical brief, engagement, the design response and the construction to deliver successful outcomes.


11:00 am - 11:25 am

AfH MATTER Stream – Midland Metropolitan University Hospital: A Testament to Innovative Healthcare Design and Urban Regeneration

1. More Than a Hospital: Catalysing Urban Regeneration

MMUH is more than just a healthcare facility; it is a catalyst for the urban regeneration of Smethwick and the surrounding areas. This project leverages a significant investment to revitalize the local community, enhancing economic activity, improving public spaces, and fostering a sense of community. Our masterplan includes green developments, improved connectivity, and public spaces aimed at encouraging social interaction and economic growth.

2. Modern Design: Standardized Grids and Prefabrication

To achieve an efficient, flexible, and legible building, we employed modern design principles including standardized grids and prefabrication (facades, roof, services). The use of a 7.8m x 7.8m grid system throughout allowed us to remove transfer structures, streamline the construction process, maximize usable space, and create a structure that adapts to changing needs. This approach not only improves efficiency but also ensures that the hospital can evolve with advancements in healthcare

3. Beyond the Ordinary: Creating a Unique Healthcare Environment

MMUH breaks away from the typical NHS hospital design. Central to this is the 4,000m² winter garden, a flexible, covered space that serves as a hub for hospital activities, from daily interactions to special events. The overall design integrates natural light, open spaces, and a calming environment, creating a healthcare setting that promotes well-being and reduces stress for patients and visitors alike

Join us as we explore how MMUH exemplifies our commitment to designing beautiful, sustainable, and innovative spaces that positively impact both the community and healthcare provision.


11:30 am - 11:55 am

AfH MATTER Stream – A Superior Surgical Space: Hybrid Vascular Theatre, Lister Hospital

Focussing on mindful design, Health Spaces will give an overview of the design programme with East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust to create an exceptional environment delivering outstanding experiences for patients and staff, and a world-class vascular service. From early stakeholder workshops to collaboration with technology partners.


2:00 pm - 2:25 pm

Dementia is a Journey, Not a Destination

Explore the principles of designing for dementia, and how we can specify products that ensure an inclusive environment that improves safety, wellbeing, comfort, and memory.


  • Chloe Harding Key Account Manager – Healthcare - Gerflor/Gradus
2:30 pm - 2:55 pm

The Impacts of the NHS NZC Building Standard

Since its adoption in October 2023, the NHS NZC Building Standard aims to drastically reduce the operational and embodied carbon emissions impact of it's estate. In this presentation, we reveal project examples of how the Standard has impacted estates teams, designers and contractors.


  • Phil Kelly Partner, Sustainability - Ridge & Partners