Event Owners:
2 Abingdon House
Cumberland Business Centre,
Northumberland Road,
Portsmouth, Hants,
PO5 1DS. Tel. 023 9282 3186
MGPS Services
Stand: F22
Category: Medical Gases
Telephone: 0345 6524901
Email: info@mgps-services.com
Website: https://www.mgps-services.com/
Company Profile
MGPS Services Ltd offers comprehensive support for the interpretation and implementation of HTM 02-01 in healthcare environments. We provide training courses for all responsibilities defined by the HTM, such as Estates, Nursing, and Portering. We have a dedicated BTEC Approved training centre to carry out our scheduled courses. These courses are complemented by a range of consultancy services, including medical gas system design, compliance assessments, medical gas authorising engineering services, and provision of medical gas authorised person services.
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