Attending the Conference

Ideas. Inspiration. Answers: Embracing the Challenges Facing Our Sector

The Conference addresses the critical subjects affecting the healthcare engineering and estates management sector today, and those shaping its future, with the aim of providing ideas, inspiration and answers for tackling those challenges.

Conference Delegates benefit from a broad programme of content, including expert presentations, and interactive workshops.

It is an affordable and efficient way for estates and facilities professionals and healthcare engineers of all levels to engage with key issues, enhance their knowledge and keep their CPD record up to date.

IHEEM is a certified CPD provider and IHEEM members using the MyIHEEM CPD platform can easily add sessions attended at Healthcare Estates to their record.

Embracing the Challenges - 2024 Conference Themes

Strategic Health &
Social Care Planning

How can the estates and facilities profession effectively support and influence the delivery of the Integrated Care Systems’ future strategic planning requirements?

Governance, Assurance
& Compliance

How can we ensure that healthcare estates services and critical functions relating to patient safety are compliant, and appropriately managed, to meet the increased governance in national policy and the legislative requirements of governing bodies such as HSE and CQC?

Digital Technology
& Innovation

What are the key issues impacting the estates and facilities profession in adopting and implementing digital technologies in both the existing estate and the healthcare built environment of the future?

Medical Engineering &
Healthcare Engineering

What are the technical, specialist, and scientific challenges that need to be addressed to ensure that future medical engineering and healthcare engineering services are designed differently, particularly in relation to the areas of ventilation, water safety, infection control, and infrastructure resilience?

Estates &
Facilities Services

How can the estates and facilities profession continue to deliver high-quality healthcare services and functions to patients as personnel face increased and conflicting challenges of capability, capacity, and efficiency, particularly around finances, workforce, and the Net Zero carbon agenda?

The Most Efficient Way to Stay Up to Date...

Your time is possibly your most valuable commodity, and having up-to-date knowledge on the latest thinking and developments is critical to delivering in your role. So how do you stay up-to-speed when you are pushed for time?

One way is to attend the Healthcare Estates Conference, where the latest information and ideas on key topics are curated for you, and where you can engage with those topics via a range of learning formats. From expert presentations, to panel Q+As, to deep-dive roundtable workshops, there are many ways to connect with both the key issues and with your peers.

Scenes from the 2024 Conference

The Home of Face-To-Face Networking for the EFM and Healthcare Engineering Sector

Healthcare Estates is an invaluable opportunity to network with senior leaders, managers and frontline professionals from NHS Trusts, hospitals and key organisations serving the sector.

Each year, dozens of Trusts and hospitals commit delegates to the event, with many sending multiple attendees from senior estates management positions.

What Our Attendees Say About the Conference

Quotes from Delegates to past Healthcare Estates Conferences

“The annual IHEEM conference is the premium event for our healthcare industry. It is a must for the calendar and provides unrivalled opportunities to network across the whole sector. Not to be missed.”
– Estates Delivery Director, NHS England

“Some very high-quality learning, very interesting and informative presentations and helpful networking conversations.”
– Consultant advisor in Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management

“HE is an excellent way of getting up to date on current issues in the NHS and the wider estates development world.”
Honorary Professor, University College London

“It was most enjoyable and enlightening.”
– Estates and Development Manager, NHS Integrated Care Board

“A great experience and valuable to improving our own performance and that of our teams.”
– Head of Estates, NHS Foundation Trust

“The event was outstanding!”
Associate Director of EFM, NHS Foundation Trust