Wallace Whittle

Stand: H8
Category: Building Information Modelling (BIM), Building Services Consultancy, Energy Efficiency & Management, Engineering Services, HVAC, Sustainability & Utility Management

Telephone: +44 (0)330 460 5200
Email: contact@wallacewhittle.com
Website: https://www.wallacewhittle.com/

Company Profile

At Wallace Whittle, we specialise in Building Services and Sustainability design for healthcare facilities, offering both Technical Advisory and Full Designer roles. With 60 years of experience, we cover a wide range of healthcare projects, from Primary to Tertiary Care, including community health initiatives. Our expertise includes HTMs, SHTMs, and the KSAR process. Currently, we’re delivering projects across England and Scotland, including the £650m Monklands Replacement Project for NHS Lanarkshire, focusing on a sustainable, low-carbon, and human-centric hospital design that embraces agile working and smart building technologies.

Click here for our Healthcare brochure

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