Event Owners:
2 Abingdon House
Cumberland Business Centre,
Northumberland Road,
Portsmouth, Hants,
PO5 1DS. Tel. 023 9282 3186
Delivering a New St Mary’s Hospital – Unlocking Life Sciences Opportunity in Paddington
Time: 3:25 pm - 3:50 pm
Theatre: CENTRAL 3 & 4
It is agreed that there is an essential and urgent need to redevelop St Mary’s Hospital, part of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. St Mary’s has a long-established reputation as a leading teaching and research hospital being the place where Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928 right through to identifying the first personalised rapid Covid test during the recent pandemic. St Mary’s is now London’s busiest major trauma centre and home to the NHS’s largest biomedical research centre. However, the condition of the estate, which dates from the 1850s, presents an existential threat to the continuation of services on this site. Imperial College Healthcare has a clear and deliverable plan for a new St Mary’s – the clinical and wider public health benefits of which are indisputable and we are working with the New Hospital Programme to deliver this – but the opportunity to redevelop 10 acres of public sector land, next to a new St Mary’s, the world leading Imperial College London and Paddington Station, the gateway to the UK, creates a once in a life-time opportunity to develop a major life-sciences campus delivering major social, health, research and economic benefits for the UK. The recently launched Paddington Life Sciences cluster is already benefiting from bringing together many of the life sciences businesses is Paddington Basin to work collaboratively with researchers and clinicians at St Mary’s to improve patient care, increase inclusion in medical research and create social value locally.
- Matthew Tulley Redevelopment Director - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
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