Strategic Expansion: UHS Southampton General Hospital and Adanac Health & Innovation Campus

Time: 11:25 am - 11:50 am

Theatre: CENTRAL 3 & 4

Innovative and sustainable approaches for the healthcare estate are required to efficiently provide additional capacity within hospitals.

Paul Stansfield, Principal Project Manager from University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS), will outline the business case and progress for their innovative strategic expansion plan working with Prime and the multi-disciplinary design team, ONE Creative environments (ONE).
Situated on a constrained site, Southampton General Hospital is UHS’s largest estate. It is well-established as a world-leading research, training and academic centre as well as proving specialist patient care. Their expansion strategy includes a second nearby site, Adanac Health & Innovation Campus, and has enabled: the development of a leading health and innovation campus, a training space for healthcare professionals, a park and ride facility to ease congestion at the hospital and the relocation of supporting services (Aseptic Pharmacy and Sterile Services Department) to free up space with the main hospital site.


  • Abz Randera Director and Architect - ONE Creative environments (ONE)
  • Paul Stansfield Principal Project Manager - University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS)

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