
Stand: D8
Category: Access Control, Architects, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Building Management Systems, Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Energy Efficiency & Management, Estates Development, Facilities Management Software, Fire Prevention & Protection, HVAC, LED/Lighting [more]

Telephone: +44 1474 607676

Company Profile

Mymesh by Chess is expertly aligned with the NHS's digital transformation needs for sustainable Smart Building management. Our secure, scalable and adaptable wireless solution enables affordable wireless connectivity, optimising asset lifecycle, operability and maintenance beyond initial design and build phases. With capabilities in smart light control, emergency lighting monitoring, energy management, building compliance, asset tracking and way finding, Mymesh supports the NHS in achieving its NetZero targets, enhancing asset performance, and reducing operational costs. Our robust approach in smart buildings ensures continuous improvement, interoperability, and client ownership of critical data, crucial for operational excellence in healthcare environments.

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