5 Steps to Delivering your ICS Estates and Digital Strategy with Practical Insights

Time: 11:00 am - 11:25 am

Date: 11 October 2023 AM

Theatre: CENTRAL 5 & 6

Infrastructure planning is fundamental in the move towards building strong and effective Integrated Care Systems. It acts as a key enabler to delivering high-quality patient care, improving system-wide access to health and social care, and addressing health equalities. It is also key to delivering a more sustainable NHS.

To quote the Fuller Stocktake Report: “Estates are so much more than buildings. We must move to a model that makes estates a catalyst for integration rather than a barrier to it.”
From well-designed and used facilities in the right location, to the installation of technology and equipment, effective infrastructure planning can support local systems in adopting new ways of working, enabling effective change to service delivery and providing greater access to the population is serves.

With the pressing requirement for ICSs to have an Estates and Digital Strategy, including Green/Carbon Reduction Plans, in place this year (2023), we’d like to share practical insights and a simple 5 step approach that we have developed through successfully delivering over 50 NHS estates strategies and infrastructure planning projects.


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