Air Handling Unit (AHU) Compliance to HTM-03-01 (2021)

Time: 10:15 am - 10:40 am


This condensed CPD by Daikin Applied UK focuses on the AHU element of HTM-03-01 (Healthcare Technical Memoranda) and explains what the main changes have been since the previous issue, and what the main design considerations are in-order for an AHU to be compliant with the guidance. This is a lengthy document and there has been a lot of confusion and non-conformity in the market. This CPD is designed for anyone wishing to fully understand the guidance to be able to confidently purchase an HTM-03-01-compliant AHU.

1. Understand the main changes to the guidance vs the 2007 issue
2. Understand the main design expectations from the latest guidance with regard to AHU’s
3. Understand the risks of poor AHU design – non-compliant solutions


  • View full profile for Adam WatersAdam Waters AHU Product Manager - Daikin Applied (UK) Ltd

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