Simplify ERIC Reporting by the Power of Automation to Help Achieve Your Net Zero Targets and Reduce Maintenance Costs

Time: 12:15 pm - 12:40 pm


Manual reporting processes can tie up hundreds of hours of resource; teams must not only collect data from different sources and spreadsheets but also check accuracy, reformat data points for consistency, then create combined reports. This not only uses up precious resource hours but increases the risk of human error creeping in at every stage.
With all the information you need to report on facilities, energy, waste and space management integrated into a single source of truth, you can provide over 80% of the data points required for your ERIC submission in just a few clicks.


  • View full profile for Nicholas HughesNicholas Hughes Sales Manager Healthcare - MRI Software LLC
  • View full profile for Simon HopkinsSimon Hopkins Solutions Architect - MRI Software LLC

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