Unlocking the Power of Peer Knowledge Sharing: Insights from a Three-Year Study on NHS EFM Departments

Time: 11:00 am - 11:25 am

Theatre: COBDEN 3 & 4

This presentation summarises the results of a three-year study at the University of Cambridge in collaboration with the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Hospital EFM departments play a critical role in ensuring the safe delivery of care. However, these departments are suffering from numerous challenges, such as limited financial resources, recruitment problems, a widening skills gap, the need for climate change mitigation and adaptation interventions, and an ever-increasing maintenance backlog. Effective flows of knowledge among EFM departments can enhance their capability to manage change and challenges effectively and efficiently. However, evidence from academic literature, governmental reports, and practitioner interviews highlights the absence of effective knowledge sharing among NHS Estates and Facilities Management (EFM) departments.

Our research aimed to examine the crucial elements affecting knowledge sharing among NHS EFM departments and comprised two studies: (i) a multiple comparative case study of seven NHS Trusts across England and (ii) a three-stage Delphi study involving EFM participants from various hospital types (acute, mental health, and community) and at different organisational levels.

The audience will gain insights into the distinct characteristics of EFM staff at different organisational levels, including their varying career backgrounds, essential knowledge requirements, and common challenges in the role. Additionally, we will highlight the critical collaboration enablers that should be taken into account when designing knowledge sharing channels across different hospital types and regions. Overall, the results highlight the need for customising knowledge sharing channels for different organisational levels and Trust types.

These findings provide NHS policymakers with an understanding of the fundamental principles of knowledge sharing for designing of cross-organisational and regional collaboration initiatives. Furthermore, the insights can support EFM practitioners in implementing and maintaining collaborative partnerships with other NHS Trusts.


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